We are a research group at the Centro Nacional de Microbiología. Our aim is to develop novel methods to diagnose parasitic helminth infections using innovative/multiplexed approaches and characterize vaccine candidates against some of the most important human helminthiases. We also have a focus on understanding host-parasite interactions with an aim to tackle autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
For this purpose we use proteomic and transcriptomic approaches to identify and characterize suitable candidates that are, then, tested using samples from endemic areas. We are also developing in-vitro and in-vivo assays to unravel the immunomodulatory mechanisms of helminths. For more information see Research).
We are located at Centro Nacional de Microbiología at the Majadahonda campus, where other groups working on other infectious diseases (i.e. viruses, bacteria, funghi) as well as on rare diseases, chronic diseases and immunology are based. This multidisciplinary campus offers a great way of exchanging ideas and knowledge between groups.
We always look for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team (more info) !
We are grateful for funding from Acción Estratégica de Salud Intramural from ISCIII, from CIBERinfecc, from the [Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación] (https://www.ciencia.gob.es/) and from the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) from the UE and the CAM
New paper from the lab published at PLoS NTD.
Hynek Mazanec, from University of South Bohemia is visiting us to work on helminth EVs
New review paper from the lab is published in Molecular Immunology!
A new annotation of the human hookworm genome is published in PLoS NTD!
Mona Mahmoud has been awarded a fellowship from Fundacion Mujeres por África and will work with us learning and developing diagnostic methods.